Here are some things to talk about this weekend...
- We had our first Class Meeting this week. Ask your child what went on! I was so proud of them.
- Congratulations to Paul and Cole for being recognized at Wall of Fame!
- Student Council has been working on some great things to improve our school.
- We had the pumpkin vocabulary parade on Monday. The 5th graders represented science and social studies words.
Math: My math class had their test on Topic 3 yesterday and we began topic 4 today. Topic 4 is all about dividing by 1-digit divisors. I gave out an optional math challenge to students. This is due by November 5th.
Social Studies: We have been learning about the Vikings this week, and we will start our explorers project next week. There will be a quiz on the Seven Reasons to Explore next Friday.
Science: Mr. Musselman is coming in next week to do a star lab activity with us. Looking forward to it!
Reading: We finished Morning Girl this week and took a short assessment on it. Students had to compare and contrast the two characters, Star Boy and Morning Girl. We had a very interesting discussion after reading chapter 5. There is quite a bit of figurative language in this book. Students were on the hunt to find examples in the text and they did a great job. One group even found a cliche, without even going over what that meant!
Writing: We continued working on Thanksgiving speeches in ELA. The students are also creating simile poems based on a section of Morning Girl, where she uses similes to describe her appearance. I will post some examples on the blog when they're finished.
Important Info:
- Please consider paying your PTO dues to help support all of the wonderful work that our PTO does!
- There is an important PTO meeting next Thursday. We will be talking about Title 1 math support. It will be a good conversation to join. Please consider coming!
- Erin Moulton, the author of Keepers of Labyrinth series, will be at the public library next Friday, Nov. 13th at 3:30 for an afternoon of craffts, contests, trivia, and prizes!
- Order forms went home today for Memorial Pride clothing.
- Thanksgiving Speeches will take place on November 24th
- Sign up for conferences at the following link OR e-mail me to schedule an appointment for December 3rd. http://bit.ly/1VRHYfk
- I'll be using the Remind app to send out quick reminders to parents. Be sure to sign up if you haven't yet! Text @mconcei to 81010. You'll receive quick reminders from me right to your phone. No need to download the app.
Enjoy the weekend!