- Cedardale permission slips went home today. We will be contacting chaperones shorly.
- Thank you for the notes of encouragement that you wrote to your children. They loved reading them and kept them in their desks during testing as a reminder of your words!
- Are you on Twitter? Follow me to see what's happening at Memorial! @MKConceison
- Congratulations to this week's Wall of Fame winners!
Here's a glimpse into our week...
Talking tidbits: Is a square a rectangle? Is a rectangle a square?
Social Studies: Students are finishing up their projects on the founding documents of the United States. They did an excellent job researching the "who, what, where, when and why" of their document. Students should be memorizing the Preamble of The Constitution by May 4th. Talking tidbits: Why was your document created?
Science: We will be starting our units on light and sound next week.
ELA: We had ELA PARCC this week. Although this is not the most fun task, I was very proud of the way everyone worked and persevered through the test. We continued working on turning notes into running text for our informative writing today.
Enjoy the weekend!
-Ms. Conceison-