- Are you on Twitter? Follow me to see what's happening at Memorial! @MKConceison
- The 10th annual Toast to Memorial fundraiser will take place tomorrow. Purchase tickets here. Hope to see you there!
- Congratulations to this week's Wall of Fame winners!
- Lunch menu change: Monday, March 28th chicken fingers instead of fish nuggets
- Send all baby pictures and kindergarten pictures to memorial5thgradecommittee@gmail.com Remember that it does not have to be the school K picture-- any picture around that age.
- Emily and Samantha, seniors at BHS, read Oh! The Places You'll Go to our class to celebrate Read Across America Day. We also chatted with them about middle school, high school, friends, etc.
- Thank you to all those who contributed to our coffee and tea basket. We had SO many things to fit into this basket!
Thanks Emily and Sam! |
I hope I win this basket. A lifetime supply of coffee! |
Here's what went on this week...
Math: We continued adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators in topic 9. We will be finishing up this unit and starting adding and subtraction mixed number next week. Talking tidbits: Why do you need to multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number when making equivalent fractions?
Social Studies: Students finished presenting their Glogster presentations. They all did a great job and taught us a lot about each colony. We watched a movie about King Phillip's War and we will be starting to talk about The American Revolution next week. Ms. Martin also came in to do a social lesson on perspective. Talking tidbits: How did pictures help us with perspective?
Looking at photos to learn about perspective |
Ava presenting about her colony |
Science: We started doing some MCAS review for morning work. Our next unit is on plants.
Reading: We continued reading Bud, Not Buddy this week. We are discussing theme, figurative language, and character traits throughout the book. We will also be comparing and contrasting this book to others we've read. Talking tidbits: What happened when Bud was late for breakfast at the mission?
Writing: We did some writing in response to reading in Book Creator this week. Students reflected on events in Bud, Not Buddy. One of the questions was regarding what qualifies someone as an adult: age, experience, wisdom? Does Bud handle situations as an adult or a a child?
Enjoy the weekend!
-Ms. Conceison-